Problem Skin

With problem skin we focus on a holistic approach taking into consideration the influence of hormonal activity, use of steroids, sweating, diet and environmental hazards. We have treatment protocols and technology to deal with all skin problems up to stage 3 acne, including skin peels based on Salicylic Acid, Intense Pulsed Light, Deep Pore Cleanses and we combine oral and topical home care to provide Improvements within 4 to 8 weeks.

  • IPL
  • Peels
  • Deep Cleanses
  • Oral
  • Topical
  • Environmental

Intense Pulse Light

The light from the flash-lamp heats up the haemoglobin in the fine blood vessels that supply the sebaceous glands. This causes a minor injury to the sebaceous glands and slows down the overproduction of oil that leads to acne. The best results are achieved on inflammatory acne – best known as those red aching, raised pimples.


We have a variety of chemical peels to:

  • Dissolve dead skin build up
  • Dissolve lipids or oils
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Destroy acne bacteria

Deep Cleanses

We extensively clean the skin by doing extractions on blackheads, whiteheads, milia, pimples and certain sebaceous cysts, to leave the skin smooth and blemish free.

Oral Supplementation

  • Oral supplementation can increase improvement by 88% within an 8 week period
  • Zinc Picolinate for combating acne
  • Nicotinamide for reducing inflammation around the acne lesion

Topical Home Care

  • Salicylic Acid accelerates the exfoliation of dead skin cells
  • Lactofferin to provide anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects.
  • Epidermal growth factors to actively heal skin lesions
  • Hydrating ingredients to moisturise and support the skins barrier function.

Problem Skin Facts

There are 4 primary factors that contribute to the development of skin problems and acne:

  • The sebaceous glands produce oil or sebum and these glands can overproduce sebum as a result of the increased production of the hormone androgen.
  • Often this is accompanied by the blocking of the hair follicle. Dead skin cells due to poor exfoliation block the hair follicle.
  • Bacteria growth increases in the blocked sebaceous gland and this creates inflammation.
  • The swelling of the sebaceous gland causes it to rupture and extend into the surrounding skin causing an acne lesion.