Mrs E. Knipe

I visited a Dermatologist in Sandton and she advised me that my Keratosis that I had all on my face, neck & chest were all benign and that nothing could be done about them and that I needed to just live them. Previously I had some burnt off with Liquid Nitrogen but they returned after this treatment. I was advised to go to Janine for electro-desicattion treatment with the Lamprobe. Her face lit up when she saw me and she reassured me that she could remove all the Keratosis, Skin Tags and Fibromas. We have eliminated them and now you can actually see my skin, not just the lesions and I am more confident now in my skin as a result. I sing the praises of the Lamprobe and have referred my family members and friends too who are delighted with the results. The coloured skin types are very prone to these lesions and so are people with insulin resistance, so I have learned.